Contoh Soal UH 7 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD MI Tema Animal Semester 2

Contoh Soal UH 7 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD MI Tema Animal Semester 2

Nama           : ........................................
Kelas           : II (dua)....
No. NIS       : ........................................
Bidang Study   : Bahasa Inggris
Tema 7              : Animal                        
Hari/Tanggal    :

Answer these questions correctly!
1.        It is a wild animal. It is big. It is grey. It has a short tail and a long nose. It eats grass.
It lives in the jungle or at the zoo.
What animal is it? It is an....
        a.  owl                         b. eagle                                    c. elephant      
2.        It is a tame animal. It is white, brown or black. It has four legs. It eats grass.
It produces meat and milk. It lives in the farm.
What animal is it? It is a....
a.       cat                          b. bat                           c. cow             
 3.    The cat  is a  tame animal.
       Kucing adalah seekor hewan....
            Kata yang bercetak tebal, dalam Bahasa Indonesia adalah....
      4.   Saya suka pergi ke kebun binatang.
       I like to go to the....
       Kata yang bercetak tebal, dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah....

       Number  5 and 6 are from the dialogue below!
            Santi    : “Ivan, what animal is it?”
            Ivan     : “It is a giraffe.”
            Santi    : “Where does it live?”
            Ivan     : “The giraffe lives in the jungle. It also lives at the zoo.”
            Santi    : “What does it eat?”
            Ivan     : “The giraffe eats leaves.”
      5.   Where does the giraffe live?

         8.   wild – a  – Lion – animal  – is
            Arrange into a good sentence!                                
            a. Lion is animal a wild.                                              
            b. Lion is a wild animal.                                 
            c. Lion is a animal wild.

13.  What ... is it? It is a bird.
         Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik diatas adalah....
  14.   a    Do   ?    have   you – pet   
Arrange these words into the correct question sentence!          ......................................................................................................................................
  15.   Itu bukan seekor domba.
          Translate into English!

Good Luck

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