
Contoh Soal HER Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD MI Tema 5 CLOTHES AND COLOURS

1. Adit wears shorts. His shorts are brown.
    Adit wears .............................................................................................
    The translation is ...................................................................................
2. Adel wears a pair of glasses. Her glasses are grey.
    What clothes does she wear? ................................................................
    The translation is ...................................................................................
3. My mother wears a blouse. Her blouse is red.
    What clothes does your mother wear? ..................................................
    The translation is ...................................................................................
4. Bibiku memakai gelang dan jam tangan ditangannya.
    My aunt wears .....          and .......            in her hand.
5. Ibumu memakai sebuah cincin di jarinya.       
    Your mother wears a ......         in her finger.

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