Contoh Soal UH2 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD MI Tema 6 Clothes and colours  Semester 2

Contoh Soal UH2 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD MI Tema 6 Clothes and colours Semester 2

  • Nama   : ........................................
  • Kelas   : III (tiga) ....
  • NIS      : ....
  • Bidang Study   : Bahasa Inggris
  • Tema 6             : Clothes and colours                       
  • Hari/Tanggal    : .............................................

Answer these questions correctly!

3..        Firman is wearing a T-shirt. He is also wearing a pair of shorts.
So, Firman is wearing a T-shirt and a ... of shorts.

             The suitable word to fulfil the blank is ....

5.        Firza is wearing a pair of glasses.
Her glasses is black.
Firza is wearing a pair of ... glasses.
The suitable word to fulfil the blank is ....

         Number 8, 9 and, 10 are from the text below!
        Hello, my name is Nina.
       Today is Friday. I am wearing a scout uniform.
       I am wearing a brown blouse, a brown skirt, a black belt, a pair of brown socks, and a pair of black shoes.
       My teacher is also wearing a scout uniform.
8.        Who is the girl in the text?
9.        Is Nina wearing a red skirt?
10.        What is Nina wearing?
11.        a – Frida – shoes – is – pair – wearing – of – grey
      The best arrangement for these words is ....
a. Frida is wearing a pair of grey shoes.                                  
b. Frida is wearing a pair of shoes grey.                                  
c. Frida is wearing a pair grey of shoes.

12.        Translate the sentence into Indonesia!
      They are wearing a pair of red shoes.
      The correct sentence is ....
a. Mereka sedang memakai sebuah sepatu merah.                                          
b. Mereka sedang memakai sepasang sepatu merah.                           
c. Mereka sedang memakai sepasang kaos kaki merah.
13.        Translate the sentence into English!
Kamu sedang tidak memakai sebuah gaun merah muda.
The correct sentence is ....
a. You are not wearing a pink dress.
b. You are not wearing a red dress.
c. You are not wearing a red blouse.

16.  It is kind of colour.
It is the colour of leaf (daun).
What is it?
It is e – r – e – n – g
The correct word is ....
17. He is wearing a pair of brown trousers.
      Dia sedang memakai sepasang ... coklat.  
The word “trousers” in Indonesia means ....
      18.  Murid-murid sedang memakai kemeja putih.
             The students are wearing white ....
 The word “kemeja” in English is ....
      19.  is  –  ribbon –  a  –  purple  –  wearing  –  She  –  not
 Arrange these words into the correct sentence!
      20.  Dia (laki-laki) sedang memakai sebuah jas biru.  
Translate into English!

Good Luck!

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