
Contoh Soal HER Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD MI Tema 4 MY HOUSE

1. My aunt cuts the apple using ....
2. We have lunch in the ....
3. My father reads magazine in the ....
4. I sweep with ....
5. Ada sebuah ember di kamar mandi.
    There is a ....  in the bathroom.
6. Ibunya Hera sedang memasak di dapur.  ................................................................
7. My father is parking his car in the ....
8. Vandy sedang mencuci sepeda motornya didepan rumah.
    Vandy is ....   his motorcycle in front of his house.
9. Kami makan pagi di ruang makan.            
    We ....    in the diningroom.
10. Koran ada diatas meja.  ...........................................................

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