
Contoh Soal HER Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD MI Tema 2 THINGS AT SCHOOL

3.03 Complete the text with the suitable word!

This is Bintang’s classroom.
There are many things in Bintang’s .........................
There is a ................................. in front of the class.
Beside the whiteboard, there are five ...................... for writing in the whitboard.
There is a ................................ for cleaning the whiteboard.
There is a ................................ for seeing the time. The clock is hanging on the wall.
Under the clock, there is a .................................... for seeing the day and date.
There are many ....................... for seating the students and the teacher.
In front of the chairs, there are many tables.
Bintang and his friends bring .........  Their bags are colorful.
The bag is for taking books, ......................... , and ...............................

I. Translate into English!
1. Peta ada di dinding. ................................................................................................
2. Ini bukan penggarismu  ..........................................................................................
3. Ini adalah 12 lem.    ................................................................................................
4. Apakah ini botolmu?    ...........................................................................................
5. Kotak pensilku ada didalam tasku.  .......................................................................

II. Translate into Indonesian!
1. Are these twenty rubbers? .....................................................................................
2. There is a cupboard in my classroom. ...................................................................
3. Aulanya besar. .......................................................................................................
4. The whiteboard is in front of the classroom. .........................................................
5. Nina is reading in the library. ................................................................................

Good Luck!

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